CG数据库 >> Marvelous全面基础教程 Pluralsight - Marvelous Designer Fundamentals

Marvelous全面基础教程 Pluralsight – Marvelous Designer Fundamentals介绍Marvelous Designer 6全面使用教程,不同工具的使用放方法,衣服材质的制作,Pose动画等In this course, Marvelous Designer Fundamentals, you’ll learn the very basics, getting accustomed to the interface and new way of thinking.

First, you’ll dive into understanding the fundamentals of the pattern-based approach in Marvelous Designer.

Next, you’ll explore the different tools that can be utilized, and learn how to create accessories and materials.

Finally, you’ll discover posing and animation, and uncover ways to improve the final outcome of your garment.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the Marvelous Designer interface and tools, and sculpting or modeling from scratch that can take hours to finish will be a thing of the past.

Marvelous全面基础教程 Pluralsight - Marvelous Designer Fundamentals的图片1

发布日期: 2017-05-19