CG数据库 >> AE层管理脚本 Aescripts Sortie v1.2.20(含教程)

AE层管理脚本 Aescripts Sortie v1.2.20(含教程)Aescripts Sortie可以快速有效的管理AE图层,可以基于位置,透明度,出入点等管理图层,方式很多,操作方面大家可以看教程。

This script provides quick, powerful methods to sort layers vertically in the timeline.

Some main features Sortie provides:Sort layers based on criteria such as: position, opacity, distance from a point, name, in point etc…Randomize and reverse layer order.

Group selected layers or perform sort operations in place.

Case sensitive option for Layer Name and Layer Source sort methods.

Compact, native panel like design.

Intent on being constantly docked in your interface for quick access.


AE层管理脚本 Aescripts Sortie v1.2.20(含教程)的图片1

发布日期: 2014-04-13