CG数据库 >> C4D+Substance桥接流程教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D to Substance Painter Workflow

C4D+Substance桥接流程教程 cmiVFX – Cinema 4D to Substance Painter Workflow在C4D里制作模型,然后通过Substance Painter来绘制贴图材质,最后导入回到C4D中进行渲染In this series, I go through my procedure for taking a model from Cinema4D, preparing it for Substance Painter, doing everything we need to paint it and create all our maps in Substance Painter, and then bringing it back into Cinema4D to take advantage of the physically-rendered properties that we created.

C4D+Substance桥接流程教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D to Substance Painter Workflow的图片1

发布日期: 2017-06-26