CG数据库 >> AE Motion眼睛转场 Transition from One Comp to Another-Premiumbeat

AE Motion眼睛转场 Transition from One Comp to Another-Premiumbeat通过矢量眼睛做两个Comp之间的Motion风格转场,知识点包括:眼睛的模拟,形状编辑,遮罩的应用等Using a vector-based ‘eyeball’ transition I’ll demonstrate a technique for transitioning from one comp to another in AE. The tutorial covers a few simple After Effects fundamentals including:Creating an eyeball simulationShape editorsUsing exclude effectsWorking with alpha mattesWhile this tutorial is rather specificthe techniques involved in making an animated eye transition can be used in a wide variety of motion graphic situations.


AE Motion眼睛转场 Transition from One Comp to Another-Premiumbeat的图片1

发布日期: 2014-04-25