CG数据库 >> 人物角色蒙皮权重Maya教程 Pluralsight - Techniques for Effective Character Skinning in Maya

人物角色蒙皮权重Maya教程 Pluralsight – Techniques for Effective Character Skinning in Maya以外星人为案例,介绍Maya蒙皮刷权重的基本步骤流程,了解关节位置方便蒙皮,如何有效率的蒙皮等In this course, Techniques for Effective Character Skinning in Maya, you’ll learn how a humanoid character model will be bound to Maya’s quick rig to demonstrate a skinning technique that effectively leads to an appealing deformation.

First, you’ll explore joint placement and what to watch out for when defining your joints position.

Next, you’ll discover a workflow that allows you to create a perfectly functioning skinning, along with taking a look at how to twist joints.

Finally, you’ll dive into corrective blend shapes, which will be applied to make the deformation work efficiently.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to create any deformation on a desired pose in Maya.

人物角色蒙皮权重Maya教程 Pluralsight - Techniques for Effective Character Skinning in Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2017-08-05