CG数据库 >> 体育片头Logo展示动画C4D教程 Cineversity - Creating a MoGraph Sports Intro Animatic

体育片头Logo展示动画C4D教程 Cineversity – Creating a MoGraph Sports Intro Animatic从手绘故事版开始,逐步在C4D中搭建场景,制作Logo动画,摄像机运动,C4D R18各种效果器的配合使用等In this series we will build a mograph sports intro animatic from start to finish.

Using storyboards as our roadmap, we’ll use primitives and some simple modeling to keep the geometry as simple as possible which keeps the Cinema viewports and renders fast.

Then we’ll use the mograph module, motion camera rigs and some simple keyframed animation to bring our scenes to life.

After that we’ll sweeten the look with r18’s enhanced open gl hardware options and use hardware previews to output our work before switching to Adobe Premiere Pro for final assembly.

Once in Premiere, we’ll use some basic tools to knock out a rough cut in just a few minutes and then see how to stack tracks making versioned renders easy to spit out for client review.

体育片头Logo展示动画C4D教程 Cineversity - Creating a MoGraph Sports Intro Animatic的图片1

发布日期: 2017-08-06