CG数据库 >> 破旧电话材质阿诺德C4D教程+工程 Cinema 4D - Realistic Vintage Rotary Telephone Shader in Arnold Tutorial

破旧电话材质阿诺德C4D教程+工程 Cinema 4D – Realistic Vintage Rotary Telephone Shader in Arnold Tutorial利用阿诺德渲染器的Shader系统来制作破旧电话材质,包含C4D工程文件In this tutorial by Kamel Khezri, we’ll be looking at how to create a realistic vintage rotary telephone shader using Arnold 5 for Cinema 4D.

破旧电话材质阿诺德C4D教程+工程 Cinema 4D - Realistic Vintage Rotary Telephone Shader in Arnold Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2017-08-20