CG数据库 >> 视频合成生成略缩图AE脚本 Aescripts CI Master Thumbnailer v1.0.5 + 使用教程

视频合成生成略缩图AE脚本 Aescripts CI Master Thumbnailer v1.0.5 + 使用教程可以批量给合成或者视频生成略缩图,控制略缩图的位置等Easily and automatically generate thumbnails from your video clips and compositions:at a given resolution expressed in pixels or as percentage of clip dimensionsat various proportions or as a center cropat start of the clipat end of the clipat comp or clip markersat a given time in the clip, expressed in seconds, frames or as a percentage of total lengthspaced by a given amount of frames, seconds or percentage of total lengthdivided into a number of equally spaced frames per clipnamed with a custom scheme that can be later saved as a presetsaved to a given folder or subfolders replicating project folder structure支持的AE版本?CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014,CC,CS6,Win/Mac,中文版/英文版AEAE脚本怎么安装?拷贝jsx文件到Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI PanelsAE脚本不能用?不要用中文版AE,中文版表达式会报错偏好设置,Edit—Preferences—General面板下,勾选上Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network脚本不支持你的AE版本(可能性较小)

视频合成生成略缩图AE脚本 Aescripts CI Master Thumbnailer v1.0.5 + 使用教程的图片1

发布日期: 2017-10-07