CG数据库 >> Nuke通道节点课程教程 Pluralsight - NUKE Channel Fundamentals

Nuke通道节点课程教程 Pluralsight – NUKE Channel Fundamentals介绍Nuke节点合成,通道对合成的影响,最后渲染输出的整个流程等NUKE Channel Fundamentals is the perfect course for you because you will learn how these nodes are the building blocks to everything you do in compositing. First, you will learn how channels construct images and how they can be moved around. Next, you will see how easy it is to perform simple operations on channel sets to easily create new ways of using channels. Finally, you will take these concepts into a full production shot and implement them into creating a photorealistic composite. When you’re finished, you will have gained the knowledge and completed a channel based composite and you’ll have the skills and confidence to implement these simple nodes into your everyday workflows

Nuke通道节点课程教程 Pluralsight - NUKE Channel Fundamentals的图片1

发布日期: 2017-11-10