XP粒子冰霜生长动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Procedural Growing Frost with X-Particles Tutorial利用X-Particles来模拟冰霜生长蔓延动画效果,渲染用到阿诺德渲染器In this tutorial by Daniel Danielsson, we’ll explore how to simulate some self-propelling procedural growing frost using X-Particles in Cinema 4D.
教程知识点:Emitting X-ParticlesAdding X-Particles TrailUsing the xpFollowSurface to make particles follow the surfaceThe science of frostUsing the xpBranch to branch the frost outAdding sub-branchesRendering the frost using X-Particles Trail with ArnoldShading the frostRendering the frost with Standard RendererAdding the frost to anything from Bunnies to Buddhas
发布日期: 2017-11-29