C4D图层模型显示设置管理插件 TGS ViewportSwitch v1.0 For Cinema 4D R16/R17 Win/Mac可以选择关闭/打开C4D内置设置,比如只显示某种模型、灯光、图层、材质等The Viewport Switch plugin enables you to turn on/off settings inside C4D with a single button or shortcut.
This way you can focus on your project without experiencing stuttering navigation or slow playback speeds, and without having to open the menus to change certain settings.
支持的软件版本:Win/Mac,Cinema 4D R16/R17
安装步骤:拷贝Viewport Switch文件夹到C4D安装目录下的plugins下打开C4D,在脚本-用户脚本-运行脚本,选择ViewportSwitchV1.0_LicGen.py,在这个文件夹里就会自动生成license.lic许可文件,拷贝到和插件Viewport Switch文件夹里面一起然后重启C4D
发布日期: 2017-12-05