CG数据库 >> 蓝宝石插件使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda - Sapphire for Video Editors

蓝宝石插件使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Sapphire for Video Editors介绍蓝宝石插件在视频特效中的应用,比如AE/PR中包含大量的特效、预设、转场、灯光效果、背景、材质等There are a lot of plugin packages available for video editors.

The Sapphire suite is an all-in-one solution containing hundreds of effects, presets, and workflows that are aimed at taking professional video work to the next level.

Join Nick Harauz as he takes you through the basics of working with effects, presets, transitions, lighting, backgrounds, textures, and more.

Find out how to create unique and useful content to impress clients.


蓝宝石插件使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda - Sapphire for Video Editors的图片1

发布日期: 2018-01-05