CG数据库 >> AK VideoCopilot 165期:AE制作信号损坏故障特效教程 Colorful Glitch FX Tutorial

AK VideoCopilot 165期:AE制作信号损坏故障特效教程 Colorful Glitch FX Tutorial在AE中不用第三方插件直接制作多彩信号故障损坏效果,模拟很漂亮的颜色辉光效果,不同文字标题之间的转场等It’s late! But here it is anyways, a brand NEW Tutorial! Wow snap.  Let me tell you it, feels good to get stuff finished and I look forward to show you all of the things we have been working on!教程知识点:Procedural Glitch design  信号故障效果设计Build a realistic reflective surface 100% inside AE!   制作真实的地面反射效果Unique Color glow procedure  漂亮的发光效果Ability to animate between different titles  文字标题的转场

AK VideoCopilot 165期:AE制作信号损坏故障特效教程 Colorful Glitch FX Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2018-03-07