Maya粒子渲染插件破解版 Thinkbox KrakatoaMY 2.7.1 for Maya 2017/2018 Win64Krakatoa MY完美结合到Maya中,实现了各种专门的场景对象,像PRT外部文件加载器加载粒子序列,PRT体积和PRT表面几何量和表面点云转换等Krakatoa MY is fully integrated in the Maya User Interface.
It implements various dedicated scene objects like a PRT Loader for loading particles from external file sequences, PRT Volume and PRT Surface for converting geometry volumes and surfaces to point clouds.
0 introduced support for the Magma node-based channel editing system, allowing complex operations on large numbers of particles, data acquisition from other particles and scene meshes and so on.
安装步骤:拷贝替换破解文件里对应版本的MayaKrakatoa.mll到c:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa Maya\MayaXXXX_x64\plug-ins\如果还是要求许可文件,用记事本打开替换文件夹里面的KrakatoaMY.lic,将HOSTID=ANY后面的ANY改成你自己电脑的MAC地址然后将KrakatoaMY.lic拷贝到c:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa Maya\MayaXXXX_x64\plug-ins\
发布日期: 2018-03-12