CG数据库 >> 游戏人物角色贴图制作教程 Pluralsight - Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter

游戏人物角色贴图制作教程 Pluralsight – Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter在Substance Painter中对已经雕刻制作好的人物制作贴图,主要讲解烘焙、只能材质等功能的使用In this course, Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter, you will dive into the process of painting textures for a multi-material game character that is bound for Unity using Substance Painter. First, you will walk through the texturing process step-by-step until every piece has been painted. Then, you will learn about powerful features in Substance Painter like map baking, Smart Materials, and generators. By the end of this course, you will unlock your creative potential for texturing models for games

游戏人物角色贴图制作教程 Pluralsight - Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter的图片1

发布日期: 2018-03-17