花园花朵兰花植物3D模型 Maxtree – Plant Models Vol.8一共有162个3D模型,包含8种兰花和10种其他花朵植物模型,每种花朵有2-3种样式,包含贴图材质Plant Models Vol 8 includes 8 species of orchids and 10 other species of high-quality 3D plant models with 3 or 6 different shapes each, in which orchids contains 2-3 varieties with different flower colors.
Total 162 models.
软件|插件: 3Ds max 2012 | GrowFX 1.99 sp3 | Forest Pack Pro 5.0 or above渲染器: Corona 1.6 | FStorm 1.1.0 | Octane 2.24 | V-Ray 3.2 | Scanline or aboveForest库: 包含贴图: 包含材质: 包含UVW: 已经展UV场景灯光: 包含 ( Mesh | V-Ray only )
发布日期: 2018-03-19