CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX大规模布尔插件 Crea3D Mass Boolean v3 2009-2018

3DS MAX大规模布尔插件 Crea3D Mass Boolean v3 2009-2018适合在3DS MAX中大量物体同时做布尔运算,比如多个物体合并,相减等Must-have plugin for fast modeling! Now with ProBoolean.Fast 1-click boolean operations with multiple objects:Union selected objects.

Subtract selected objects from the first selected object.

Subtract the last selected object from the other selected objects.

[ProBoolean] Union selected objects.

[ProBoolean] Subtract selected objects from the first selected object.

[ProBoolean] Subtract the last selected object from the other selected objects.

3DS MAX大规模布尔插件 Crea3D Mass Boolean v3 2009-2018的图片1

发布日期: 2018-03-31