PS商业人像修图美容插件 Beauty Retouch CC 2.1.0 for Photoshop CC – CC2018 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程包含五大修图模块:Basic Retouch(基础调节)、Fine Retouch(细节调节)、Looks(调色)、Finish(综合调节)、Export(导出),适用于商业人像修图,下载包含官方视频使用教程BeautyRetouchCC – Retouching Panel for Photoshop that helps you to create beautiful images and enhance your creativity. 5 Amazing Modules to Speed up Your Retouching. BasicRetouchBasicretouchis about retouching areas of your image that need some repairing or fixing some parts of the background, skin or face.
For example, you can remove spots that are distracting.
Using frequency separation, you can dig deeper and correct tonality problems and make precise skin repairs.
安装步骤:拷贝com.taptapideas.beautyretouchcc2文件夹到如下位置Win:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\Mac:~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions如何找到这个文件夹?打开Finder,Shift+Commad+G,前往文件夹,输入:~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/然后找到CEP/extensions文件夹,如果没有的话就手动新建一个Win的运行一下Add Keys.reg,Mac的运行一下install-as-admin打开PS,在顶部菜单,窗口-扩展- Beauty Retouch插件点击下载使用教程下载
发布日期: 2018-05-04