CG数据库 >> C4D蜘蛛建模材质绑定动画流程 – Giant Spider Compositing

C4D蜘蛛建模材质绑定动画流程 – Giant Spider Compositing从建模到雕刻材质,再到绑定动画,到最后的渲染合成,整个C4D制作流程This week we are going to teach step by step how to make a giant spider, in cinema 4dWe are going to explain the entire process that includes ,modeling , sculpt, paint the texture , create the scene , easy rigging , animation , render ,composition, post production And other tips that will help you much on your projects in visual effects.

In cinema 4d we can create many of these effects without the need to use complicated compositions in different layers.

Formerly was renders in different layers, this toward the longer process.

And you needed knowledge of light , and reflections and other technical aspects .

In this tutorial we show you all the steps used in the great films of visual effects


C4D蜘蛛建模材质绑定动画流程 – Giant Spider Compositing的图片1

发布日期: 2014-08-08