CG数据库 >> C4D灯光材质技巧 Digital Tutors – Tips for Motion Graphics Lighting and Materials in CINEMA 4D

C4D灯光材质技巧 Digital Tutors – Tips for Motion Graphics Lighting and Materials in CINEMA 4D在做C4D MG动画的时候,一些灯光材质技巧,注重讲解材质方面的内容,反射Fresnel,合成标签等In this series of tutorials, we’ll go over tips for lighting and materials in CINEMA 4D.

These tips are common things you might encounter as you are creating motion graphics and you need a quick fix or a better way to make something look more realistic.

We’ll learn things like recipes for difficult textures such as metal, and clear plastic, as well as adding a semi-transparent texture onto an existing texture on a single object. We’ll also learn about a few tags that can help when you need specific settings for the way you’d like your texture to render. We’ll learn how to achieve trendy looks like课程主要内容:Introduction and project overviewReflections: Using FresnelMetal: reflections, inherent colors, and anisotropyProjection texturesReflections in clear objectsThe Stick Texture TagTotally matte: Stylizing textures for 2D motion graphics with 3D depthUsing the lighting toolA few tips in the details tab for lightsUsing Compositing Tags with reflection planes

C4D灯光材质技巧 Digital Tutors – Tips for Motion Graphics Lighting and Materials in CINEMA 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2014-08-10