CG数据库 >> C4D模型雕刻基础教程 Udemy - Learning Sculpting from beginner to Advanced in Cinema 4D

C4D模型雕刻基础教程 Udemy – Learning Sculpting from beginner to Advanced in Cinema 4D以两个基础实例(女性角色+忍者神龟)来介绍C4D模型雕刻步骤,包括雕刻的基本操作,人物面部细节的雕刻等,属于基础教程Do you want to make amazing character with advanced details ! Do you want to be professional in cinema 4d sculpting! Do you want to become movies maker.

Anyone wants to be professional in cinema 4d especially in sculpting.

so, I introduce this course for you to learn about cinema 4d sculpting.

C4D模型雕刻基础教程 Udemy - Learning Sculpting from beginner to Advanced in Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2018-07-01