手机电脑手表耳机游戏机电子产品3D模型 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.156(3DS MAX格式)Archmodels vol. 156包含40个高精度电子产品模型,比如手机、电脑、耳机、手表、机箱、路由器、各种游戏主机等,模型都包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器Archmodels vol.
156 includes 40 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations.
This collection comes with high quality electronic gadgets.
All objects are ready to use in your visualizations.
Presented models and scenes were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max.
Scenes are not included.
PDF预览:压缩包632MB,解压后1.47G3DS MAX需要2011 或者更高版本Vray For 3DS MAX 2.0 或者更高版本该素材包含于:Evermotion Archmodels/Archinteriors/Archexteriors 3D模型合集(更新)
发布日期: 2018-07-01