CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX Vray建筑渲染3D教程(英文字幕) Udemy - 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs

3DS MAX Vray建筑渲染3D教程(英文字幕) Udemy – 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs从基础到进阶,逐步讲解Vray渲染器在3DS MAX建筑表现中的使用流程,6个小时的视频教程,适合新手学习When I first made this course, it was to fill a void that I noticed in the arch viz industry. There are not a lot of tutorials out there that help you to learn arch viz from the beginning in a professional way, using the PRO software and a PRO workflow. So, I created this course, and I never could have imagined how popular it has become!

3DS MAX Vray建筑渲染3D教程(英文字幕) Udemy - 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs的图片1

发布日期: 2018-08-20