Logo动画AE教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Logo Animation Techniques在AE中给平面矢量Logo制作动画,以几个简单的案例来讲解动画制作过程中常用工具的使用,适合新手学习Bring a logo to life with After Effects.
Logo animation is the bread and butter of many designers.
After Effects gives you the creative and technical options to achieve about any effect your client desires.
This course takes six real-world vector designs and uses After Effects to build short openers for each logo.
Each method produces a different and unique result that communicates the story of the brand.
All the techniques rely on the built-in tools inside After Effects, so there’s no need from third-party software or plugins.
Instructor Eran Stern introduces many popular effects, such as animated type, animated scribbles, and a series of reveals, including a particle reveal.
发布日期: 2018-08-21