CG数据库 >> C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.4.1 R18/R19/R20 Win/Mac AMPED破解版

C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.4.1 R18/R19/R20 Win/Mac AMPED破解版不再支持C4D R17,增加支持C4D R20,如果安装后C4D 打不开,请先卸载插件,然后把C4D更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可新功能:Support for Multi-Instances in CINEMA 4D R20Support for the Volume Loader and Volume Builder in CINEMA 4D R20性能提升:Baking multiple objects in the Bake Texture dialogSpecify settings of the selected driver and filter in the Bake Texture dialogRun operator export/import from a python scriptBug修复:Node names are not unique across files in an exported ASS sequenceOpening Xpresso in a blank scene freezes C4DNo vector motion blur from Alembic vertex tagsState of the Arnold material Alpha channel is not preservedBitmap shader does not work as alpha of the Arnold materialSkip license check warnings when batch renderingPlugin does not load on OSX High Sierra from an NFS driveAMPED破解版:Win版本Mac版本

C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.4.1 R18/R19/R20 Win/Mac AMPED破解版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-09-06