CG数据库 >> 选区PS教程(英文字幕) Lynda - Mastering Selections in Photoshop CC

选区PS教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Mastering Selections in Photoshop CC在PS中制作选区的多种方法,包括图形、透明度、颜色、亮度等,讲解选框、套索、钢笔工具、魔棒工具,色彩方法、阙值等的使用方法In this course, photographer and educator Tim Grey shows how to make selections based on a number of image qualities, such as shape, opacity, color, focus, and brightness, leveraging the tools in Photoshop CC.

Dive into the Select menu commands and the Marquee, Lasso, Pen, and Magic Wand tools, and then learn how to “automate” selections with tools like Color Range, Focus Area, and Threshold.

Finally, learn how to refine your selections with Expand and Contract, Smooth and Feather, Quick Mask mode, and other controls.

These features come in handy when dealing with hard-to-select objects like hair, fuzzy edges, and color ranges.

By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills you need to select precise areas of an image—the first step in any advanced Photoshop workflow.

选区PS教程(英文字幕) Lynda - Mastering Selections in Photoshop CC的图片1

发布日期: 2018-09-13