CG数据库 >> VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 ORB CS6-CC2018 Win/Mac + 使用教程 + 6K地球贴图

VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 ORB CS6-CC2018 Win/Mac + 使用教程 + 6K地球贴图ORB是VideoCopilot新出的一个制作三维星球的插件ORB is a Powerful New After Effects Plug-in to Create Detailed 3D Spheres and Planets, but be sure to check out our other amazing free Plug-Ins, too!真实物理渲染效果/Physically Based Shader环境反射贴图 Environment Reflection Maps运动模糊 Motion Blur高级贴图UV设置 Advanced UV Settings明度阴影遮罩设置/Advanced Illumination With Shadow Masking白天夜晚随意切换/Use After Effects Light To Shift Between Day & Night基于明度调节 Built-In Illumination明度设置 Advanced Illumination OptionsAE内置灯光控制 Works Seamlessly with After Effects Lights!360全景渲染/360° Environment Rendering无限星空背景环境/Create A Seamless Background Of Stars插件点击下载使用教程+地球贴图下载

VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 ORB CS6-CC2018 Win/Mac + 使用教程 + 6K地球贴图的图片1

发布日期: 2018-09-19