CG数据库 >> C4D对称构造建模插件 Lots of Pixels – Fusionthing v1.16 R12-R16

C4D对称构造建模插件 Lots of Pixels – Fusionthing v1.16 R12-R16Fusionthing是C4D的自动建模插件,可以自动建比较复杂的模型,超过100中建模参数控制主要特性:Automatically and flexibly build complex meshes using simple ‘Parent’ guide meshes and ‘Child’ detail elements.

Model/animate with meshes procedurally – a powerful complement to Cinema4D’s vertex/polygon toolset.

Allows major structural changes to be made to highly detailed models easily and quickly.

Advanced shape conform, interpolation and curvature correction to smoothly map child meshes onto parent meshes for a perfect fit‘Immediate mode’ for rapid workflow, ‘Object mode’ for maximum flexibility.

Create seamlessly welded complex meshes (Great with HyperNURBS!)Probabalistic control over which ‘Child’ sub-meshes to use where.

Over 100 control parameters giving extensive control over combining.

Most controls keyframeable, and some can even be driven by material channels.

Recursive detailing limited only by processor speed and memory.

Optional probabalistic mesh selection and alignment to easily create model variations.


C4D对称构造建模插件 Lots of Pixels – Fusionthing v1.16 R12-R16的图片1

发布日期: 2014-09-23