电影特效合成软件 Eyeon Fusion 7 & RenderNode v7.0Eyeon Fusion在大量商业作品中被使用,将2D工具和3D系统完美结合应用到制作中Eyeon’s flagship compositing environment has been battle-tested on thousands of productions.
With eyeon’s unique approach to fundamental architectural re-writes to future-proof pipelines and projects, Fusion 7 provides refreshing speed and compelling efficiencies.
Fusion blends 2D tools and 3D systems into a productive and interactive application. The 3D system and renderer import geometry from FBX, Alembic, as well as OBJ, 3DS and Collada. Millions of polygons, complex shaders, Ambient Occlusion, Deep Volumetric Atmospherics, and Particles Systems can all be final rendered quickly using GPUs, in seconds instead of hours破解步骤:点击安装Fusion_x64_7.0.0.1450_Setup.exe和RenderSlave_x64_7.0.0.1450_Setup.exe拷贝fusion_JGS_crk里面的Fusion.exe和eyeon.dat到Fusion 7.0文件夹里面拷贝rendernode_JGS_crk里面的RenderSlave.exe,ConsoleSlave 和 eyeon.dat到Render Slave 7.0文件夹里面
发布日期: 2014-09-23