CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX样条线优化插件 Spline Refiner V1.0 for 3DS MAX 2012 - 2019

3DS MAX样条线优化插件 Spline Refiner V1.0 for 3DS MAX 2012 – 2019Spline Refiner可以减少3DS MAX图形样条线的节点数,更方便的处理线条Spline Refiner is a 3dsMax productivity tool to fine-tune your spline shapes incredibly fast, in a simple and efficient way.

With this plugin, you can subdivide the splines uniformly, in a human-like manner, adding detail only where it needs to.

So, you get a balanced segments distribution without altering the shape of your curves or touching the existing vertices.

支持的软件版本:3DS MAX 2012或者更高版本

3DS MAX样条线优化插件 Spline Refiner V1.0 for 3DS MAX 2012 - 2019的图片1

发布日期: 2018-12-08