MG动画AE基础入门教程 SkillShare – Motion Graphics with Kurzgesagt Part 1-3一共3部分教程,第一部分讲解AE的基础知识,包括常用工具和表达式的使用,第二部分讲解用Duik来进行人物绑定,第三部分讲解用Rubberhose来做人物动画Part 1In the first class we are covering all the basics: Setting up your After Effects project, introducing our workflow and working with expressions using a typical Kurzgesagt Scene.
Part 2In this class we will learn how to do rigging using Duik, simple character animation and how to use the wiggle expression.
Part 3Here comes the third and final part of our tutorial series.
We will focus on Character Animation using Rubberhose.
发布日期: 2018-12-09