CG数据库 >> AE特效基础教程 Skillshare - After Effects for Graphic Design

AE特效基础教程 Skillshare – After Effects for Graphic Design在AE中制作一些很常用的效果,比如涟漪、气泡、闪电、下雨等,在平面设计、网页设计、和PS的结合使用等,基础教程This course offers a unique workflow, combining Photoshop with After Effects to create stunning, unique, and professional-quality assets for print, web, and photography.

Instructor Chris Converse—founding partner of Codify Design Studio—shows how to create special effects, add dramatic lighting to photos, color key images, build textures and patterns, and generate artwork from almost nothing, producing effects like water, bubbles, lightning, and rain.

The course is for any designer—even if you’ve never used After Effects before.

Chris demos each example step by step, and shows how the results can be used in real-world design projects.

AE特效基础教程 Skillshare - After Effects for Graphic Design的图片1

发布日期: 2019-01-08