CG数据库 >> PS像素动画教程 CGCookie - Fundamentals of Pixel Art Animation

PS像素动画教程 CGCookie – Fundamentals of Pixel Art Animation在PS中绘制像素风格人物元素,并制作眨眼,闲晃,走路,跳跃等动画This course continues where the first left off.

We initially set up Photoshop to be animation ready and take you through setting up frames and framerate and how to save these animations out as .


After a quick demo of animating with a green dot, and blinking, we also take a look at a flag wave animation.

We then take Blender Cookie’s mascot, Baker and take him through a Blinking, Idle, Walking, and Jumping animation set.

PS像素动画教程 CGCookie - Fundamentals of Pixel Art Animation的图片1

发布日期: 2019-01-17