CG数据库 >> 音乐电影EPK幕后第四季 –音效处理 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 04: Audio Cleanup and Special Effects

音乐电影EPK幕后第四季 –音效处理 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 04: Audio Cleanup and Special Effects通常情况下,一般摄像机的麦克风会产生很多噪音,今天我们学习怎么用audition去除音频的噪音,提高音频的质量Often, the documentary content in an electronic press kit (EPK) is recorded using semiprofessional or consumer-level equipment.

The microphones on consumer cameras and mobile phones generally do a poor job of leveling sound and excluding unwanted background noise.

In this installment of EPK Editing Workflows filmmaker Maxim Jago shows you how to clean up and enhance audio issues like these, while improving the sound quality and adding creative special effects that make your finished project more impactful.

课程知识点:What can be fixed in post?Assessing audioGetting audio into Adobe AuditionSharing audio between applicationsReducing noiseAdjusting audio levels over timeUsing audio effects creatively


音乐电影EPK幕后第四季 –音效处理 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 04: Audio Cleanup and Special Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-10-05