别墅室内外场景3D模型 Evermotion – Archexteriors vol.31 (3DS MAX格式)Archexteriors vol. 31包含一个完整的别墅场景室内外模型,比如外面所有的建筑,室内卧室房间等模型等,一个3DS MAX格式的工程文件,包含18个摄像机可以调节,包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器Archexteriors vol.
31 is a collection that consists of a complete suburbian family house with eight interiors, garden and a car.
There are 18 cameras in the scene (top view camera is not included).
Archexteriors vol.
31 collection is fully textured with props, realistic lighting and vegetation.
PDF预览:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JK6ejZWG0OTvcCjLAvpgvA压缩包1.39G,解压后3.36G3DS MAX需要2011 或者更高版本Vray For 3DS MAX 3.5 或者更高版本该素材包含于:Evermotion Archmodels/Archinteriors/Archexteriors 3D模型合集(更新)
发布日期: 2019-03-20