C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.5.0 R18/R19/R20 Win/Mac AMPED破解版 + Win替换破解不再支持C4D R17,增加支持C4D R20,如果安装后C4D 打不开,请先卸载插件,然后把C4D更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可新功能:GPU rendering (BETA)GPU rendering from the command linePre-populate GPU cacheVisible lightsImproved random-walk SSSMaterialX exportAdded matrix_interpolate shaderAnisotropy controls for coat in standard_surface shaderAdded include_graph operatorAdded denoise_albedo built-in AOV性能提升:Improved skydome samplingImproved adaptive samplingSmart opaque: built-in shaders now set the Opaque flag automatically based on whether or not the shader settings would require disabling the opaque flag on the object to render correctly.
Improved bump and normal mappingInstantaneous shutter option: This new option in the motion blur render settings now keeps motion keys and only sets the camera ray times to be equal to the reference time. Use this withmotion vectors instead of setting shutter intervals to zero.
Support for negative transmission extra roughness in standard_surface shaderAdded time mode in ramp shaders: The ramp and ramp_rgb shaders now have an additional time mode that computes the input based on the current time and the camera’s start and endshutter interval.
Use implicit UVs added to the ramp_rgb shaderAppend frame number to the driver path automaticallyAdded volume scattering to the shape visibility flagsExpose autobump visibilityExpose ignore list in the render settingsAssign operator network to proceduralsBug修复:Polygon selection does not work when the name has unicode characters in itProblem with special character in the uv_transform UV set nameWrong bump mapping with custom projectionBump mapping is too soft when UVs are tiled in the texture tag. Note that the look has changed following this fix and now it is (correctly) stronger when a custom UV projection or tiles areset in the texture tag.
替换破解步骤:打开替换文件夹,拷贝ai.dll到1.MAXON\CINEMA 4D R202.MAXON\CINEMA 4D R20\plugins\C4DtoA\arnold\binAMPED破解参考:破解步骤参考:http://www.gfxcamp.com/amped-crack/Win版本(替换破解+AMPED)(
发布日期: 2019-03-21