CG数据库 >> 蜘蛛纹路贴图Maya教程 Skillshare - Create a Spider-verse Halftone Shader in Maya

蜘蛛纹路贴图Maya教程 Skillshare – Create a Spider-verse Halftone Shader in Maya制作蜘蛛侠卡通风格着色器效果,主要用到阿诺德渲染器,初级教程,包含工程文件Create a Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse comic book shader using halftones and crosshatch effects.

You’ll also gain experience creating custom shading networks in the hypershade with Arnold nodes.

蜘蛛纹路贴图Maya教程 Skillshare - Create a Spider-verse Halftone Shader in Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2019-04-10