CG数据库 >> AE动画导出json工具脚本 Aescripts Bodymovin v5.5.2

AE动画导出json工具脚本 Aescripts Bodymovin v5.5.2Bodymovin可以在AE中导出.json文件,用于网络原生动画,支持IOS和安卓An After Effects extension to export animations for web. Animations are exported as .json files that use the bodymovin.js player that comes along with the plugin. You can render animations in the browser on svg, canvas and html. It supports a subset of After Effects features. Animations can also be played natively on iOS and Android through Lottie支持的AE版本?AE CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, Win/MacAE脚本怎么安装?参考文档安装说明AE脚本不能用?不要用中文版AE,中文版表达式会报错偏好设置,Edit—Preferences—General面板下,勾选上Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network脚本不支持你的AE版本(可能性较小)

AE动画导出json工具脚本 Aescripts Bodymovin v5.5.2的图片1

发布日期: 2019-04-23