CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX石头模型破损添加细节纹理雕刻插件 PolyDamage V1

3DS MAX石头模型破损添加细节纹理雕刻插件 PolyDamage V1PolyDamage可以快速给3DS MAX模型添加边缘细节,比如石头等,模拟真实纹理雕刻效果PolyDamage plugin is a tool to quickly add damage and imperfections to models.

Nothing is perfect in real life, so adding damage to your models make them look more realistic.

PolyDamage is a quick alternative to manually sculpting damage with other software packages.

PolyDamage adds an extra realism to concrete walls, grounds, stones, columns.

PolyDamage quickly adds damage to corners and edges.

Since it is procedural, you can make millions of damage variations of one single object.

You can save the seed value of damage and next time you can get the same result with this seed value.

You can adjust the parameters and adjust the depth of damage, or edge damage amount.

Adjust the resolution slider to increase the level of detail in damaged areas.

PolyDetail gives a unique material ID for damaged faces so you can apply a spesific damage material to only damaged faces.

安装步骤:拷贝polydamage_nm.mse到C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts拖拽polydamage_macro.ms到3DS MAX视窗完成安装顶部菜单,自定义-自定义用户界面-键盘 找到PolyDamageV1,分配一个快捷键即可

3DS MAX石头模型破损添加细节纹理雕刻插件 PolyDamage V1的图片1

发布日期: 2019-05-14