CG数据库 >> 卡通插画角色设计PS教程 Skillshare - Create a Character Illustration with Photoshop

卡通插画角色设计PS教程 Skillshare – Create a Character Illustration with Photoshop在PS中制作插画风格的卡通橘色,包括角色设计的整个流程,已经PS一些常用工具的使用方法In this class I will walk you through my entire illustration process, all the way from the initial idea to the finished piece.

At the end of this class you will have a completely finished character illustration that you can add to your portfolio, share on social media or make prints out of.

卡通插画角色设计PS教程 Skillshare - Create a Character Illustration with Photoshop的图片1

发布日期: 2019-06-02