CG数据库 >> 创意三维场景合成C4D教程 Skillshare - Create an Abstract Landmark Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop

创意三维场景合成C4D教程 Skillshare – Create an Abstract Landmark Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop在C4D中将不同的复杂3D物体添加到场景的方法步骤,将2D图片和3D场景元素相结合,后期通过PS进行细节调整In this class, you’ll be able to better understand the concept of adding massive structures to minimalist landscapes in 3d.

This class is also a perfect introduction to the meshing of 2d and 3d using an alpha (png) and combining real photos with synthetic 3d elements.

创意三维场景合成C4D教程 Skillshare - Create an Abstract Landmark Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop的图片1

发布日期: 2019-06-02