CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX Vray室外建筑场景渲染教程 Udemy - Exterior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way

3DS MAX Vray室外建筑场景渲染教程 Udemy – Exterior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way讲解在3DS MAX中用Vray渲染器渲染真实的照片级别效果,配合3DS MAX的常用脚本和插件,加速渲染制作Designed for all levels of 3ds Max and Vray users, you’ll learn how to master 3D rendering and useful techniques used in 3ds Max to create amazing images. Here’s more detail about what you’ll learn in this 3ds Max and Vray Class…We begin with the necessary foundation, which is with 2D plans.

You’ll learn the quickest way to turn these 2D plans into 3D scenes.

You’ll learn how to quickly populate your scene like the professionals.

Integrating scripts and plug ins for 3Ds Max to speed up your work flow.

3DS MAX Vray室外建筑场景渲染教程 Udemy - Exterior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way的图片1

发布日期: 2019-06-16