CG数据库 >> PS/LR电影胶片小清新调色预设(最新更新) VSCO Film 1 - 7 For Photoshop/Lightroom Win/Mac

PS/LR电影胶片小清新调色预设(最新更新) VSCO Film 1 – 7  For Photoshop/Lightroom Win/Mac根据相机参数制作的电影胶片风格调色,例如佳能、尼康、宝丽来、柯达、富士等市面上常用机型VSCO Film presets are based on the individual profiles of the camera.

If you want , for example, to recreate the look of Polaroid, Kodak, Fuji or other types of film in a manner different from the standard application of the general changes to each photo .

支持的软件:Win/Mac Photoshop + Lightroomdcp +xmp + lrtemplate格式更新

说明:更新到最新,比如增加了佳能5D4、D850、Sony A7 III等多种机型的相机参数(Camera Profiles)

PS/LR电影胶片小清新调色预设(最新更新) VSCO Film 1 - 7  For Photoshop/Lightroom Win/Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2019-06-24