CG数据库 >> PR LUTS调色基础教程 SkillShare - Premiere Pro Lumetri: Color Correct like a Pro

PR LUTS调色基础教程 SkillShare – Premiere Pro Lumetri: Color Correct like a Pro讲解Premiere中Lumetir 颜色的使用方法,包括LUTS预设的使用,色环等多种参数的调节,掌握视频调色的基本流程步骤This complete course will take you to the essentials of color correction with the Lumetri color tools inside Premiere Pro.

You will learn different techniques while also understanding how color philosophy works.

We’ll fly together through this wonderful world of colors.

And on the end you will be able to fix color issues and take your shots to a higher professional level.

PR LUTS调色基础教程 SkillShare - Premiere Pro Lumetri: Color Correct like a Pro的图片1

发布日期: 2019-06-26