CG数据库 >> 制作循环动图C4D动力学教程 Skillshare - Intro to Cinema 4D: Create a looping GIF with Dynamics

制作循环动图C4D动力学教程 Skillshare – Intro to Cinema 4D: Create a looping GIF with Dynamics讲解C4D的动力学模块,用基本的物体,利用C4D运动图形效果器,比如克隆,来制作复杂的物体,然后用动力学模拟制作场景动画,灯光材质的基础应用,输出成无限循环的GIF动图I’ll show you some basic tools within the software you will use time and time again.

We will create a simple scene using primitive objects, discuss the mograph cloner for creating copies of objects, add dynamics and real-world physics to our scene, learn how to apply lights and basic textures, and create a seamless looping GIF.

制作循环动图C4D动力学教程 Skillshare - Intro to Cinema 4D: Create a looping GIF with Dynamics的图片1

发布日期: 2019-07-03