CG数据库 >> Maya角色模型拓扑教程 FlippedNormals

Maya角色模型拓扑教程 FlippedNormals – How to Retopologize a Full Character with Henning and Morten5个小时的视频教程,讲解Maya对角色模型做拓扑的整个步骤,需要一定的Maya或者三维软件基础With almost 5 hours of high-quality training, you’ll learn how to retopologize a full character from start to finish.

We cover how to prepare your model in ZBrush, block out the most important loops and how to connect everything up.

This exact method has been used for retopo of characters like the Xenomorph from Alien Covenant, and many more.

发布日期: 2019-8-5