CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX室内环境细节Vray渲染教程(英文字幕) Lynda

3DS MAX室内环境细节Vray渲染教程(英文字幕) Lynda – 3ds Max and V-Ray – Arch Viz Detailing Techniques讲解3DS MAX中利用Vray进行室内模型环境的渲染步骤,包括摄像机的放置、场景的建模、布料等多种材质、灯光技巧、合成的细节处理等In this course, instructor Verena Tatiana starts by discussing the different approaches to detailing and how to overcome challenges when working with stills versus working with animations.

Then, she explains the importance of composition and demonstrates several techniques.

She covers pre-render modeling, object detailing, working with cloth and materials, lighting techniques, and post-render compositing.

发布日期: 2019-10-11