CG数据库 >> ZBrush三维人物角色模型雕刻建模教程 CG Makers

ZBrush三维人物角色模型雕刻建模教程 CG Makers – 3D Character Creation – Gold Pack39个课时的ZBrush教程,全面讲解人物雕刻步骤,包括法线、Mask、多边形组、胸肌、三角肌、斜方肌、冈下肌、背、锯肌、腹肌、躯干、手臂、腿等讲解Through 39 classes you will learn everything you need to model an anatomically correct character, you will learn muscle by muscle with its name in english and recommendations to apply this knowledge to your future projects.

NormsMasksPolygroupsPectoralsDeltoidTrapeziusTeres and infraspinatusDorsalSerratusAbsTorsoArmsLegs

发布日期: 2019-10-25