CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX游戏人物头发建模教程 Gumroad

3DS MAX游戏人物头发建模教程 Gumroad – Real Time Hair Tutorial by Georgian Avasilcutei讲解在3DS MAX中制作游戏人物的头发效果,不需要用任何第三方插件,直接用3DS MAX的多边形制作In this tutorial we will focus on creating hair suitable for games.

I’ll explain my workflow using 3ds max but I’m sure that this can be replicated in any 3d software.

During the years I’ve tried different approaches for making hair and for now I feel like this is the easiest one since I have complete control over each and every hair card rather than grooming in some hair plugin and getting overwhelmed by the massive number of strands.

I’m not saying that this is the best way to make hair…this is what I consider the less time consuming approach and with the best results.

发布日期: 2019-11-2