CG数据库 >> AK VideoCopilot黏液特效制作幕后秀 SHOWTIME- Making Slime VFX + 3GB视频素材

AK VideoCopilot黏液特效制作幕后秀 SHOWTIME- Making Slime VFX + 3GB视频素材VideoCopilot的一个幕后秀,介绍粘液素材的制作和简单的合成方法,包括25个2K分辨率的粘液视频素材A new Video Copilot show has splash-landed! We showed an early version of the SHOW at VC LIVE in January so we are excited to show it to the world! We made a mess so you don’t have to! Just download the FREE stock footage collection and use in your own projects!链接:

发布日期: 2019-11-5